
Irina Bolychevsky

Founder, Redecentralize.org & Director, Shevski Limited

Irina is an expert on open data, data platforms, data standards and decentralised technology.

From 2011 to 2014, she led the ckan open source open data platform project, which powers the official national data portals of over 20 countries and numerous local and community installations. She defined the product, strategy and brand for ckan, while winning and delivering key contracts with the UK, US governments and European Commission. During 2014 she joined Open Knowledge’s senior management team as Commercial Director, leading all the commercial and technical consultancy work.

She has since worked as a consultant for multiple organisations and governments, including the UK’s Government Digital Service, Smart Dubai, the W3C and Open Data Institute, and is the the founder of redecentralize.org — a project to promote and bring together people working on and interested in decentralised digital technologies.

My Sessions

Working session: Designing interoperable apps for the open app ecosystem