The marketplace of ideas: introducing the conference open space

Great Hall

As well as developing a packed programme we’ve worked hard to ensure time is left free to use as an open space. If you think we’ve missed something important, or want to focus on something in more depth, why not propose a session you’d like to run? If the crowd votes for your idea we’ll add it to the programme.

How to propose a session

1. Visit
2. Enter event code OPENCOOP and click “Join”
3. Click “Ask”
3. Enter your session title and a brief overview of what you want to do
5. Add your name
6. Click “Send”

On the day
During this session we’ll be inviting everyone who has proposed a session (in advance and on the day, max 30) to give a 1 minute pitch to explain what they want to do. The audience will then vote for their favourites and the 14 sessions with the most votes will be added to the programme.

Co-op Open